If you like guitars, you will love our unique new product! Imagine an 8½" x 11" paperback full of accurate line drawings of your favorite guitars, just waiting to be colored, decorated and customized. The instruments include electrics, acoustics and basses.
We have even included guitars without pickups and controls
so you can create your own. Or how about just a neck with a bridge and strings
so you can design your own body shape? The illustrations are hand-drawn by Simon Beck, a multi-instrumentalist and life-long guitar fanatic, based on photos, and are printed in high-quality black and white. There is even a page of handy hints. If you have colored a really good picture, why not scan or take a photo of your artwork and e-mail it so we can put it in our gallery (coming soon)? The Ultimate GUITAR Coloring Book is now available to order .
Meanwhile, why not download and print a sample image? You will require Adobe Reader. By
submitting your artwork, you are permitting the owners of this website Download
sample image The instruments depicted represent
styles rather than particular models of guitar |